Learning has changed, but teaching has stayed the same "outdated"
Daily technology impact by the year 2010
Buying a Computer: selecting components for data capacity vs. human capacity
- Google Earth assignment
- Marking places
- Tours/Virtual Field Trips
- Sketchup Download (IFS 3D Model)
- Multiple Layers and Content Available (Darfur)
- Enhancements are Endless
- iGoogle homepage setup
- create gmail account
- select a theme
- "Add Stuff" link: search gadgets
- gmail
- Keeping online Notebook to track your thoughts
- Docs & Spreadsheets
- Google Scholar: simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature.
- News Highlights by subject of interest or current affairs
- RSS (Free Subscriptions)
- Google Reader
- Blogs= Linked writing (key to creating network, global linking to each other)
- Subscribe to blogs, build with subscriptions
Chicago Tribune rss search, add link, add subscriptions by searching name or content Isn't this cool?
Search (darfur) sort by date; rss link on left
Advanced news search for specific rss links
- Start with or
Sign in at with email address and see dashboard with post
- visit
- for class blogs, also
- Metaphore for openness on web
- Collaboration of content book “Wikinomics”
- Connecting without hardcover textbooks: and
Extras Resources
- Firefox best browser free download at Google Pack Link
Instant Snapshots (Sometimes Snap Shots bring you the information you need, without your having to leave the site.)!!
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows in one snapshot
- = Discover, promote, and share the news that's important to you!
- TED Great Speeches by Future Leaders in Education, Design, Tech and more
- Ted Talks video featuring Sir Ken Robinson, titled “Do Schools Kill Creativity?” and Richard Baraniuk: Goodbye, textbooks; hello, open-source learning
Hands-on break time
Curriculum Integration Tools {ISTE NETS-T Standards 1A-B, 2A-E, 3A-D, 4A-D, 5A-D, 6A-E}
- Podcast: internet radio
- Recent site Will Richardson and others are enjoying for podcasting their blogs: Talkr for podcasts
- Podcast with itunes education link categories, k-12 Princeton review vocabulary minute
3 steps: Record digital audio: ipod, microphone jack, cell phone, etc
Audacity recording software
- Compose
- add link to classroom/school websites or begin a digital portfolio
- EPals
- Get classrooms globally connected!
- create projects and learn from students in any part of the world
- Pictures & Video
- Dove Beauty Video on youtube sample
- Teach students the right way to use for positive benefits to share knowledge (myspace)
- 2008 Presidential Elections staying afloat with global audience in cyberspace
- Overhead projectors are antique and should be replaced with LCD projectors!
- Digial Storyboards: Have students dipict or search for content related images to navigate through chapters.
- Pangaea Cinema Day , on May 10, 2008= simultaneous screening to millions of people around the world of powerful human stories
- PowerPoint
- Presentation in less than 5 minutes
- Connection, Content, Passion with audio, animation and digital media
- Microsoft Free Templates
- Hand-outs for student notes
- Discovery Education
- allowing classrooms to journey with scientist and interact with technology
Today thanks to interactive technologies it is possible to break down the barriers of our walls and distance, to be mentored and serve as a mentor by and for teachers and students literally all over our planet.
Traditional twentieth-century educational practices will no longer provide students with the skills needed to become productive citizens in today's high-tech global workplace. Capture your children's attention and retain it with digital media!
- Website for teachers with lesson plans and samples of how you can integrate digital media into the curriculum: SCsite
- Digital Media Corner links
- The Educator's Reference Desk: Resource Guides, Lesson plans, Question/Answers, and more
- Education World: more resources!
- workshop resources are available on